COSMOSmade in Iceland
The first ride that Rob and I got in Iceland was from a local farmer. We were in our second-hand climbing shoes with an old boy scout backpack and way too cold fifties leisure suit jackets. On our way to Landmannalaugar, with the assistance of a sign saying ‘nice car’. We had no idea yet of the rivers we would have to cross. With or without a ride, we walked through the ice cold glacial water into the Interior, the wild and uninhabited highlands of Iceland. After the first cold night of camping we went onto a discovery expedition. We followed a river into the mountains, where the source sprung in bright green moss.
I knew that this beautiful hidden spot was completely worth it, this was exactly what I was looking for. We saw our first glaciers and I was so surprised by the incredible shapes they can take. How the white contrasts with the often very dark volcanic rocks. I wanted to look at one from up close. We descended and before we knew it we were hanging between the falling rocks above a glacier. I made it back to more stable ground and Rob was saved by a crew. His second-hand shoes didn’t survive. From then on we have been more careful, but adventure has not left us. Even in cold October we still heated rocks to put in our cheap sleeping bags, so we could camp out and photograph the first snowfall.
From green mountains and orange fields to snow-covered volcanic fields. I have seen it all in these past three months and used it to capture a varied landscape in extremely wide horizons and secret small places. Every morning I was surprised by the bizarre and beautiful views Iceland has to offer.
I am happy to share this book. Maybe you will feel compelled to go out in the country and see things for yourself. I know I will.
Geertje, October 2011
80 pages full-colour
Paperback 18x18cm
€25 (Netherlands)
€29,50 (Europe)
€33 (Worldwide)
I just need to know one thing: where do you live?
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